Sentouts offers email marketing campaigns to more than 3 66 000 active email contacts in Sri Lanka. About 60% email addresses representing the corporate sector contacts. About 20% representing the government sectors, embassies, NGO, CSR etc. 20% of the contact are students and individual people. 65% of contacts from Western province and 35% represents rest of the country.

Target marketing advertisements are not practical in email marketing campaigns. But the database represents the real cross section of the society. Some email campaigns are important to some people; while other are interested to different one.
Common open rate of a campaign will be about 39%. Usual spam rate will be 10%. 30% of email campaigns opens with in 24 hours and with in 72 hours it reaches the maximum opens. Best time to release an email marketing campaign is 8.30 am – 12.00 noon. It becomes more active when we are sending an email campaign on Tuesday – Saturday.

All advertisements to be submitted as JPG / GIF / PNG / PDF formats within 200kb file size. Maximum image Width 600 pixels and Height should be 1000 pixels ( maximum ) with the image resolutions 72dpi. Please check the clarity before sending us. Test campaign can be arrange under some conditions.
- Email from name ( 20 letters )
- Email subject line ( 10 words maximum )
- Flyer size (Artwork) 600 pixels (W) x 1000 pixels (H)
- Body content as a text ( 20 words only)
Sentouts Email Marketing service is designed to provide greatest reach for customer communications virtually. Through our marketing efforts, we help you to make the most of creating personalized messaging, customer interaction and build a unique brand presence. Always select correct people to run your advertisement and get the results and analyze the behavior. Email marketing report helps you to get the real picture of your marketing effort and plan the future.
Study the email campaign report after the delivery if you need to get the maximum return for the investment. It always helps you to focus your future advertising campaigns. And also you can find what is to be done to reach the maximum.
Contact us today and explore what value direct can do to enhance your marketing efforts.
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Best Email Marketing service in Sri Lanka.
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